Sorry it has been SO LONG since my last post. Girls camp and straight on to finals week (tis the season to be jolly. Anyways, this book is one that I finished a while ago, and just loved! It is about a girl named Beka Cooper who wants to become a Guards woman (the guards are known of as Dogs) for her city, and is assigned (at her request) to the slums. As a Dog in training (a Puppy) she discoverers that her ability to communicate with ghosts of the dead that have been murdered can tip her off about whom to have her Dogs arrest (Puppies aren't allowed to arrest folks). Its the typical hero against overwhelming odds medieval/mystery/action novel, and is (in my opinion) one of the best written books in the world. (WARNING: mild adult content. Not too bad however, because the dialect they speak in has a few different words. Not a good idea for small children about ten and under to read. After that, you may want to preview it.)
Good luck on your last finals! Keep on reading, though. AND writing.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like one I'll have to check out. I'm interested in books you WOULD recommend for the younger set. (Willa is 9 and very interested in Uglies and Pretties by Scott Westerfield, which I think are good, but a bit old for her. She also wants to read the Twilight series. Funny girl. Wyatt is into graphic novels right now. Especially if they involve Bionicles. However, he reads every bit as well as Willa.)
ReplyDeleteGraphic novels are AWESOME!! and I agree with you on any scott westerfeild novels. They also have adult content (veild, but enough to make a group of 8th grade boys fill a room with innuendos..) Twilight iin two years would be best.