This was a HILARIOUS read! My mom borrowed it, and woke everyone up in the middle of the night with her holws of laughter. It was a tragic comedy (yes, I know, that makes NO sense.) about a girl named Savannah, whose boyfreind breaks up with her, not just for another girl, but for her sister. Thats where her fair godmother comes in. Unfourtunatly, they match godmothers by personality,and this godmother is well, INTERESTING to say the least.
This is a fun blog project you've got going here Azya! I really like your design on the page as well. I will put this one on my "to read" list...must be a great read if two people as wonderful as your mom and yourself have raved about it; besides, it is time to read a good clean comedy:-) Laughter is great for the soul.