Monday, March 30, 2009

New list of words that make me happy!

Yes, I know, this is sad.
- Per-thetic (yes, pronounced just like that)
- Inferior
- Incompotent
- Yes
- Insanity
- Senility
- Loopy
- Sing
- Wolf
- Requiem
- Dog
- Animal
- Barking Rat ( yes I know those are two words, but they describe so many small dogs that I know and despise)\
- Sabre
- Katana
- Archery
- WATER!!!! (should have been at the top of my list says the dismayed hydromaniac)
- Fire (in relation to marshmallows going through midlife crisis, and trying to become torches. Soaking wet marshmallows taste horrible, trust me.)
- Moon
welll...thats all I can think of at the moment....I will eventually think up more (i HOPE)


  1. What about serendipity, hoopla, corrugated and centsible? Love your posts. You were born to write.

  2. Here are a few more: dapper, undulating, vivid, xylophone, and stripey (rather than striped). By the way, I agree wholeheartedly on senility and corrugated.

  3. Hooray! You have a blog that features books AND fun words. Two of my very favorite things! Right now I'm collecting words I didn't used to know: gumshoe, effete, and ague were somewhere lurking in the shadows of my consciousness before I started reading the book I'm reading now, with only the vaguest of clarity in my mind. Now I'm certain of them.

  4. Yay! More words! Yes, corrugated is now on my list too, as are suspenders (dont ask)
