Ok, this book (and likely those that follow, once I get to the library to rescue them from the hold shelf) is now officially tied for my third favorite series (hey, third id high up on the list!)
Anyhoo, this was an amazing story about a girl named Maerad (MY-rad) who has an extraordinary gift with music. She is a slave in a hidden stronghold, and is rescued by a man who is in a group of magicians known as Bards. I cant say any more, because if I did, you all would be chasing after me with pitchforks and torches. (heh, silly me. if anyone actually bothers to read this blog, other than family *love you guys* I would be amazed) One BIG warning though, do NOT read this book when you are going to possibly be busy for the next day or so (if you read as fast as I do) because this is one of the best books in the world, andt putting it down for something as trivial as oh, say, homework, will make you very very grumpy. Ok. Thats it I guess. Anya Luvs You all!
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